B. FileFlex Lite Distribution License
If you will be distributing a program or product that uses the FileFlex
Lite edition, you must fill in this license form and agree to the terms
stated in the FileFlex Distribution Terms and Conditions
chapter of this manual and return this form to Component Software.
Photocopy or reprint this form as needed for additional licenses. No faxes
will be accepted. All license requests must be mailed to Component Software
Industries Corp., PO Box 201, Rocky Hill, NJ 08553. Do not assume that you
can modify the terms of the license agreement or this form, send it to us
without our approval, and be granted a license. Signed licenses, if approved,
will be returned within four weeks of receipt at Component Software. You
may call at any time to inquire about status.
This license is between Component Software Corp., (Licensor) acting for
and on behalf of David Gewirtz, and:
Name__________________________ Company______________________________
City__________________ State____ Zip _______________ Phone______________
Development Environment _______________________________________________
Mac or Windows (you must purchase a separate license for each) ________________
Estimated number of users (for our total user estimates) _______________________
Licensee wishes to purchase a license to use the FileFlex resources, as
set forth in the "FileFlex Runtime Licensing" chapter of the FileFlex
Online Guide, with the following program or product:
Program or Product Name_______________________________________________
Brief Description of Program or Product (attach a product brochure if you
I agree with and understand the terms of the license stated in the FileFlex
Terms and Conditions.
Name (print or type)______________________________ Title______________________
Signature______________________________________ Date______________________
Upon acceptance of this license by Component Software, a signed copy of
this agreement will be returned for your records.
A license is hereby granted to Licensee by Component Software:
Name (print or type)______________________________ Title______________________
Signature______________________________________ Date______________________